Tips for Sphynx Cat Owners
Sphynx Cats Health & Care Management
The Sphynx breed has the advantage of overall good health. Their long life span can take these animals over the ten to twenty year mark. To keep them active and healthy, should see the veterinarian annually and it is advisable to have the vet clean teeth starting around two years of age. Ear problems and dental issues are not commonly associated with...
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Symptoms of Sphynx Cat Diseases
When we feel pain in any part of our body, we are able to let other people know. We can communicate to someone that we need help. When our pets feel pain, they have no way of letting us know. Sphynx cat owners can look out for any changes in the pet's behavior that may indicate signs of a problem. There are a couple of feline diseases sphynx cat...
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Stop (Sphynx) Cats Declawing Surgery!
Anyone who has ever had a cat knows that they like to scratch things. All cats have an instinct to scratch surfaces as this allows them to remove dead cells from their nails and to hook onto surfaces in order to stretch and tone their muscles. Furniture, rugs, and curtains can look very inviting to a cat looking to exercise this natural instinct. When cats who...
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Why Should I Sterilize my Sphynx?
Spaying or neutering your Sphynx feline has many advantages. For the female Sphynx, spaying will keep them from coming into the heat cycle. An unspayed female Sphynx will normally come into heat several times a year which can last anywhere from several days to several weeks. Along with the inconvenience of dealing with your female Sphynx’s...
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How to Become a Sphynx Cat Breeder
There are some things that you need to know before becoming a sphynx cat breeder. You probably already know many people who own a purebred cat love their cat as much as you love your sphynx purebred. Your sphynx has beautiful eyes, a great disposition, and beautiful fur. She may have even have won a show or two. But, before you begin imagining how...
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